Kindly answer the following questions, fill in the contact details and submit this disclosure form.
1. Are you presently suffering from any of the symptoms listed below and have you been requested for self-isolation or PCR test by medical Doctor /Authority?
Please select the symptoms
Do not enter the workplace and contact your line manager immediately and Please take Doctor advice
2. How many doses of vaccination completed?
Do not enter the workplace and contact your line manager immediately
3. I have come into a close contact with someone notified as having positive COVID-19, someone who is currently under quarantine or someone who was tested for COVID-19 and the result is still pending?
4. Are you fit to Work?
People of any age with the following conditions are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and Need to Take Extra Precautions
(Serious heart conditions, Chronic lung disease, Chronic Kidney disease, Chronic Liver disease, Cancer Patient, Pregnancy, Chronic condition, uncontrolled blood pressure, uncontrolled Diabetes, obesity).
Employee Details (Engie Group ID):
GID (E.g. ZD5236)
Employee Name
Employee Email ID
Visitor Details :